Ulcerative Colitis

What is it?

Inflammation of the lower bowel and Colon, which causes small ulcers to develop in the mucus membranes of the intestine, waxes and wanes with flare-ups. Typically, it causes cramping and diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stools, but may alternate with stubborn constipation and hard stools.

The results are poor absorption of water and minerals, causing nutritional deficiencies. It may cause nausea and poor appetite that make it worse. Intestinal bleeding usually causes anemia as well.

Constant stress, unresolved emotional conflicts, anxiety, restlessness with hurrying are thought to overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system and are a probable contributing factor. The most common foods triggering ulcerative colitis are milk, wheat and yeast-containing foods. Aspirin and salicylate-containing compounds are also suspect in some cases. 50 % of people cannot tolerate Cola or alcohol.


Diet Suggestions:

  • Suggest a high-vegetable, fruit and grains (not wheat) diet.
  • Foods well-tolerated include : rice, potatoes, rolled oats, noodles, asparagus, rye bread, carrot juice, butter, flaxseed.
  • Unrefined flaxseed oil
  • Soluble mucilaginous fiber such as soaked flaxseeds, apple pectin and oat bran.
  • Avoid wheat bran as it is insoluble and too rough on the colon
  • Soak two tablespoons of flaxseed overnight in ½ cup water and add to bioactive yogurt for breakfast.
  • Lightly steamed vegetables.


Known Allergens:

  • Cola, Coffee, Red or White Wines
  • Beans, Peas, French Fries, Bacon, Sardines in Oil
  • Wheat, Corn, Nuts, Seeds, Citrus Fruits, Red Meat
  • Sugars and spicy foods
  • Look into the Gottschall “Specific Carbohydrate Diet”


Beyond the dietary changes already mentioned, there are a number of excellent supplements to heal the gut, create a symbiotic bacterial flora condusive to bowel healing and anti-inflammatories for the bowel wall.

Check with your naturopath to find out more.


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