» About Art and Naturopathic Medicine

Personal History

Arthur received his bachelor of science degree from the University of Guelph, specializing in Plant Protection. He also holds a Bachelor of Education from Queen’s University.

He began his science career as a high-school science teacher. From there he went on to become a biological researcher at the University of Guelph, where he stayed for 16 years.

In 1998, Art decided to persue a lifelong dream of becoming a herbalist and Naturopathic Doctor. He upgraded his qualifications, then enrolled at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

After a grueling 3 years, he graduated in 2001 as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Subsequently, he passed all his board exams to become licensed as a Naturopathic doctor in Ontario (License #1150).

He presently maintains the status with the required number of credit course hours licensing, and malpractice insurance.

Art is currently practicing cosmetic acupuncture and Naturopathy at three convenient locations:

Please see the Contact page for more information on how to get in touch.

What are the qualifications to be a Naturopath?

Naturopathy is a very demanding course, four years of post-university training in pathology and diagnosis, pharmacology, physiology, counseling, lab analysis, x-ray interpretation, immunology, microbiology, anatomy in addition to special training in:

  • Homeopathy
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Manipulation
  • Nutrition

What is Naturopathy?

The first Tenant of Naturopathy is to do no harm.

It is a drugless therapy. It is the science of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease using natural therapies that focus on optimizing health and well-being by individualized patient care and public education.

  • Naturopathy uses the innate healing power and ability of the body to come back to a state of health.
  • Treat the cause rather than suppress symptoms of disease
  • The doctor should be an educator, inspire hope and encourage self-responsibility for one’s health
  • Each person is unique and treatments treat the whole person rather than the part affected allowing the body to heal itself naturally.
  • The best is to prevent the loss of good health rather than to treat any dis-ease after it occurs.

The Methods used:

Botanical Medicine extracts of botanicals blended for the individual or pre-extracted powdered extracts of either Chinese or Western Herbs.

Clinical Nutrition: diet and supplement advice and the use of Vitamin, Mineral and other therapeutic nutrient formulas to overcome dietary deficiencies or specific existing conditions.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine: the restoration of proper body energy flows, organ deficiencies and imbalances using needles along known meridian energy lines.

Hydrotherapy: the use of hot and cold water treatments to enhance circulation, immunity, and vigour and to detoxify and restore function through the lymph and circulatory systems.

Homeopathy: the use of minute amounts of plant, mineral or animal substances to treat various deficiency conditions.

Manipulation: alignment of bones, cartilage and fascia; restoration of range of motion; pain relief; reduction of inflammation; repetitive strain relief. Also orthopedic assessment.

Naturopathy is especially effective for chronic and age-related symptoms, but is also helpful to reduce acute problems. It has helped with:

Swollen and painful joints
Pain Relief
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Crohn’s Disease
Low Immune Function
Stress Reduction
Male and Female Problems
Poor Digestion
Liver Detox
Chronic Fatigue
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