Weight Loss Start-up

Weight Loss Start-up: A Quick Guide

There are some points you must practice to show faster results. It is not necessarily easy, but with consistent application of these principals, you will succeed.

**     It is generally a good idea to do a detoxification and cleanse before or when starting on a diet plan. Cleaning of the liver, bowels, blood and urinary tract means you are absorbing nutrients better and eliminating toxins, bile and other wastes. **

For the first two weeks, in order to eliminate a lot of common food cravings (mainly for sweets, fats or salt) DO NOT EAT (especially on an empty stomach) the following high glycemic foods: candy, soda pop, fruit juices (orange, grape, apple, etc.),chips, buttered popcorn, white bread, bagels, English muffins, baked or boiled potatoes, French fries, cooked carrots, corn and baby peas, pasta, donuts, cake, muffins, biscuits, cookies, crackers, croissants, pretzels, nutragrain bars, cereals (except bran buds), rice cakes, pancakes, waffles, syrup, jam, ice cream, dried fruit, prunes, raisins, grapes and bananas. The standard North American diet! That means pulling them out of your cupboards and fridge and giving them to someone who needs to gain weight or throwing them away!

Take a good multivitamin, either as a liquid (preferred) or a fast-dissolving capsule or tablet so the body gets all the nutrients. One-a-day vitamins often have very hard binders that prevent good breakdown, have very low nutrients levels, and unavailable mineral components.

Make sure the multi you buy has chromium, which balances blood sugar and prevents the highs and lows when sugars enter the bloodstream; and a bit of iodine, which supports the Thyroid gland that controls rate of metabolism (calorie-burning).

Also suggested is more Omega-3 oil found in either Fish Oils or vegetarian Flax Seed, pure or in more palatable combos lie Udo’s Oil. Omega-3 oils boost your metabolism, soften skin, help joints, mental concentration and reduce inflammations especially in the bowels (a VERY common problem).

Drink lots of water: pure filtered or reverse osmosis water but not distilled (it has no minerals). A person of 100 lbs should drink 6-8 8 oz glasses; 150 lbs drink 8-9  8 oz glasses; 200 lbs 10-11  8 oz glasses; 250 lbs take 12  8 oz glasses. Seems like a lot, but remember your body is over 90% water. Have a little with a meal, but for the most part drink water away from meals: 20 minutes before cuts appetite, 1 hour after keeps the stomach acid strong for digesting food and doesn’t dilute enzymes secreted by the pancreas and liver to break down foods.

Remember muscle burns fat, so exercise and building muscle are VERY important.

Walking is excellent but avoid excess aerobic exercise. Do more weight-bearing exercises. Park your car at the far end of the parking lot; walk up the stairs, walk around during breaks.

Get enough sleep (7-8 hrs) because a body under stress holds on to more calories.

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